Huawei Wireless Cli

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Общая информация

Сводная информация по точкам доступа:

[AC1-wlan-view]display ap all
Total AP information:
fault: fault           [1]
idle : idle            [6]
nor  : normal          [19]
ID   MAC            Name                 Group               IP          Type            State STA Uptime
0    845b-1253-7500 M3.AP6510.01         RDT        AP6510DN-AGN    nor   0   2D:10H:21M:5S
1    845b-1249-2d80 M4.AP6510.01         RDT        AP6510DN-AGN    nor   0   10D:5H:13M:0S
2    845b-1249-2a60 M5.AP6510.01         RDT        AP6510DN-AGN    nor   0   9D:12H:46M:29S
3    845b-1249-2920 M9.AP6510.01         RDT        AP6510DN-AGN    nor   0   2D:10H:53M:50S
Total: 4

Сводная информация по клиентам:

<AC1>display station all
Rf/WLAN: Radio ID/WLAN ID                                                     
Rx/Tx: link receive rate/link transmit rate(Mbps)                             
STA MAC          AP ID Ap name              Rf/WLAN  Band  Type  Rx/Tx      RSSI  VLAN  IP address     SSID
0017-23f1-d8ce   9     S9.AP6510.01         0/1      2.4G  11g   9/11       -63   101    RDT
0017-23f1-d8b8   9     S9.AP6510.01         0/1      2.4G  11g   21/15      -67   101    RDT
0017-23f1-d83b   9     S9.AP6510.01         0/1      2.4G  11g   22/32      -70   101    RDT
0017-23f1-d8f0   27    M19.AP6510.01        0/1      2.4G  11g   25/47      -49   101    RDT

Сводная информация по мощности, каналу, утилизации:

[AC1-wlan-view]dis radio all | in 2.4
CE:Current EIRP (dBm)
ME:Max EIRP (dBm)
CU:Channel utilization
AP ID Name                  RfID  Band  Type    Status  CH/BW    CE/ME   STA     CU
0     M3.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      11/20M   10/20   0       28%
1     M4.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    6/20    0       49%
2     M5.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    9/20    0       23%
3     M9.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    6/20    0       32%
4     S1.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    13/20   1       25%
5     M10.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      11/20M   6/20    0       32%
7     M42.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    20/20   1       56%
9     S9.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    20/20   1       52%
10    laba314               0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    20/20   0       25%
11    500.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      11/20M   20/20   2       23%
12    laba-303.AP6510.01    0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    20/20   0       29%
19    M13.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    6/20    0       43%
20    M22.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    8/20    0       21%
21    M41.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      11/20M   17/20   1       31%
22    500-inside.AP6510.02  0     2.4G  bgn     on      6/20M    20/20   1       20%
26    S4.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    8/20    1       44%
27    M19.AP6510.01         0     2.4G  bgn     on      11/20M   6/20    0       28%
30    S5.AP6510.01          0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    9/20    0       53%
31    Mesh.wlan.yard-02     0     2.4G  bgn     on      1/20M    20/20   0       49%

Работа с точками доступа.

Информация о работе точки доступа:

 display ap run-info { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id }
[AC]display ap run-info ap-id 67
Info: Waiting for AP response.
AP type                       : AirEngine5760-10
Country code                  : RU
Software version              : V200R019C00SPC901
Hardware version              : Ver.D
BIOS version                  : 630
BOM version                   : 000
Memory size(MB)               : 1024
Flash size(MB)                : 128
SD Card size(MB)              : -
Manufacture                   : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Software vendor               : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Online time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)     : 44D:5H:38M:2S
Run time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)        : 44D:5H:39M:54S
IP address                    :
IP mask                       :
Gateway                       :
DNS server                    :
AP mode                       : campus
GigabitEthernet port 0
  Port speed(Mbps)            : 1000
  Port speed mode             : auto
  Port duplex                 : full
  Port duplex mode            : auto
  Port state                  : up
  STP down recovery time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)        : -
Ethernet port 0
  Port speed(Mbps)            : 100
  Port speed mode             : auto
  Port duplex                 : full
  Port duplex mode            : auto
  Port state                  : down
  STP down recovery time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)        : -
Card status                   : slot 1: -, slot 2: -, slot usb: -

Статистика производительности точки доступа

display ap performance statistics { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } 
[AC]display ap performance statistics ap-id 67
Info: Waiting for AP response.done.
Memory usage(%)                 : 30
Memory average usage(%)         : 30
CPU usage(%)                    : 2
CPU average usage(%)            : 2
Available space size(KB)        : 1476
Temperature(degree C)           : 48
Online user number              : 0
Upstream traffic(wireless)(KB)  : 49820375
Wireless port drop frames(RX)   : 0
Wireless port drop frames(TX)   : 35481
Wireless port total bytes(RX)   : 51016064
Wireless port total bytes(TX)   : 77769004
Wireless port unicast frames(RX): 70613824
GigabitEthernet port 0
  port drop frames(RX)          : 0
  port drop frames(TX)          : 0
  port total Bytes(RX)          : 93443647976
  port total Bytes(TX)          : 57253799122
  port unknown frames(RX)       : 0
  port error frames(TX)         : 0
  port updown counts            : 0
  port output rate(Kbps)        : 0
  port input rate(Kbps)         : 20
Ethernet port 0
  port drop frames(RX)          : 0
  port drop frames(TX)          : 0
  port total Bytes(RX)          : 0
  port total Bytes(TX)          : 0
  port unknown frames(RX)       : 0
  port error frames(TX)         : 0
  port updown counts            : 0
  port output rate(Kbps)        : 0
  port input rate(Kbps)         : 0


display radio { all | ap-group ap-group-name | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id }

Записи об ошибках перезапуска точки доступа

display ap asyn-message err-info { all | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id }
[AC]display ap asyn-message err-info ap-id 67
AP Name                                                          MAC            Time                    Reason
Total: 0

Список неподконтрольных точек доступа

[AC]display ap uncontrol all
BSSID          NEAREST-AP                CHANNEL  RSSI(dBm)  SSID
5006-045a-a9a0 test                      11       -55        TEST
92b6-45d8-0a90 test                      11       -39        GS21
5006-045a-a9a0 test                      11       -55        TEST
7ad5-1610-79c0 test                      6        -54        Nokia 5.3
b6b3-e92b-0c50 test                      1        -51        Redmi 9
bc1a-e415-b7e0 test                      11       -57        HUAWEI_B7EB
5006-045a-a9a0 test                      11       -55        TEST
ec41-18e3-8b20 test                      1        -74        Xiaomi_8B25

Проверки записей о переключении каналов

display channel switch-record { all | ap-name ap-name radio radio-id | ap-id ap-id radio radio-id | reason reason }
[AC]display channel switch-record ap-id 67 radio 1
Old/New: Old channel/New channel
RfID   : Radio ID
AP ID AP name      RfID    Old/New           Switch reason         Switch time
67    test         1       161/36            calibration           2022-11-07/03:00:20
67    test         1       40/161            calibration           2022-11-06/03:00:17
67    test         1       36/40             calibration           2022-11-03/03:00:16
Total : 3, printed : 3

Проверка статистики пакетов в радио

display ap traffic statistics wireless { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } radio radio-id [ ssid ssid ]
[AC]display ap traffic statistics wireless ap-id 67 radio 1
Wireless frames(RX)                                   :57325920
Wireless bytes(RX)                                    :38888583527
Wireless error frames(RX)                             :1114446
Wireless physical layer error frames(RX)              :0
Wireless MIC error frames(RX)                         :227121
Wireless private key and decrypt fail frames(RX)      :887325
Wireless unicast frames(RX)                           :55326058
Wireless management frames(RX)                        :1739696
Wireless data frames(RX)                              :55586224
Wireless maximal signal strength(dBm)(RX)             :0
Wireless minimal signal strength(dBm)(RX)             :0
Wireless average signal strength(dBm)(RX)             :0
Wireless frames(TX)                                   :83233412
Wireless bytes(TX)                                    :63399460519
Wireless RTS successes(TX)                            :0
Wireless unicast frames(TX)                           :70178937
Wireless broadcast frames(TX)                         :1305458
Wireless failure frames(TX)                           :43144
Wireless management frames(TX)                        :1368145
Wireless data frames(TX)                              :81865267
Wireless noise(dBm)                                   :-95
Wireless port up rate(Kbps)                           :0
Wireless port down rate(Kbps)                         :0
Wireless port PS-Poll Frames                          :0
Wireless port Association Request                     :547
Wireless port Association Response                    :535
Wireless port ReAssociation Request                   :3434
Wireless port ReAssociation Response                  :3387
Wireless port Disassociation Frames                   :809
Wireless port Deauthentication Frames                 :91
Wireless retry frames                                 :4057241
Wireless PER(%)                                       :0
Wireless PER of the last 5min(%)                      :0
Wireless port drop rate(%)                            :0
Wireless port drop rate of the last 5min(%)           :0
Wireless retransmitted rate(%)                        :0
Wireless retransmitted rate of the last 5min(%)       :8
Wireless channel utilization(%)                       :7
WMM AC_BE retry ratio(%)                              :16
WMM AC_BK retry ratio(%)                              :0
WMM AC_VI retry ratio(%)                              :0
WMM AC_VO retry ratio(%)                              :0
WMM AC_BE PER(%)                                      :0
WMM AC_BK PER(%)                                      :0
WMM AC_VI PER(%)                                      :0
WMM AC_VO PER(%)                                      :0

Информации о elabel точки доступа.

display ap elabel { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } 
[AC]display ap elabel ap-id 67
/$[ArchivesInfo Version]

[Board Properties]
Description=Assembling Components,AirEngine5760-10,AirEngine5760-10,AirEngine5760-10 mainframe (11ax, indoor, 2x2 dual bands, built-in smart antenna, GE, USB, BLE)

Конфигурации ACL на точке доступа

display ap service-config acl [ ipv6 ] { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id }
[AC]display ap service-config acl ap-id 67
Index           ACL number
Total: 0

Статус проводных портов и информация о трафике

display ap port { all | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id | ap-mac ap-mac }
[AC]display ap port ap-id 67
Info: Waiting for AP response.
AP-ID Port       Trunk ID    State Mode     Speed Duplex TX-Packets       Tx-ErrorPackets  TX-Rate(Kbps) RX-Packets       RX-DropPackets   RX-Rate(Kbps)
67    GE0        -(-)        up    root      1000  full   82197978         0                1             154472722        0                22
67    FE0        -(-)        down  endpoint  100   full   0                0                0             0                0                0
Printed: 2

Текущая конфигурация точки доступа:

[AC]display ap config-info ap-id 67
AP MAC                          : 1cae-cb56-21a0
AP SN                           : 2102352UBR6RL18727387
AP type                         : AirEngine5760-10
AP name                         : test
AP group                        : test
AP branch group                 :
Country code                    : RU
Radio 0 configurations:
 Radio enable                   : yes
 Work mode                      : normal
 WDS  mode                      : -
 Mesh mode                      : -
 Radio band                     : 2.4G
 Radio type                     : 11ax
 Flexible radio switch          : on
 Config channel/bandwidth       : -/20M
 Actual channel/bandwidth       : 1/20M
 Config EIRP                    : 8
 Actual EIRP                    : 8
 Maximum EIRP                   : 20

Radio 1 configurations:
 Radio enable                   : yes
 Work mode                      : normal
 WDS  mode                      : -
 Mesh mode                      : -
 Radio band                     : 5G
 Radio type                     : 11ax
 Flexible radio switch          : on
 Config channel/bandwidth       : -/20M
 Actual channel/bandwidth       : 36/20M
 Config EIRP                    : 14
 Actual EIRP                    : 14
 Maximum EIRP                   : 23

Неудачные попытки выйти в состояние normal

<AC> display ap online-fail-record mac 1047-80b1-56a0
MAC             Last fail time       Reason                                     
1047-80b1-56a0  2022-11-10/15:48:06  In blacklist                               

Записи причин отваливания точек доступа

[AC]display ap offline-record all
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment.done.
MAC            Last offline time       Reason
1cae-cb56-1fe0 2022-11-10/13:12:41     The AP is powered off and restarts
1cae-cb56-22e0 2022-11-10/13:12:41     The AP is powered off and restarts
1cae-cb56-22c0 2022-11-10/13:12:41     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-a660 2022-11-10/13:12:39     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-a660 2022-11-08/21:05:52     The AP group name is modified
10c3-ab29-ae80 2022-11-10/13:12:39     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-ae60 2022-11-10/13:12:39     The AP is powered off and restarts
1cae-cb56-2180 2022-11-10/13:12:36     The AP is powered off and restarts
1cae-cb56-2080 2022-11-10/13:12:36     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-ada0 2022-11-10/13:12:33     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-ada0 2022-11-08/08:46:37     A command is delivered to reboot an AP
10c3-ab29-ade0 2022-11-10/13:12:33     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-aea0 2022-11-10/13:12:33     The AP is powered off and restarts
10c3-ab29-aea0 2022-10-20/06:31:45     An internal error (other reason) occurs
c0bc-9a7d-98b0 2022-11-04/12:44:29     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-88f0 2022-11-04/12:44:26     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-8430 2022-11-04/12:44:23     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-8430 2022-10-14/07:54:57     The AP group name is modified
c0bc-9a7d-9770 2022-11-04/12:44:23     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-99b0 2022-11-04/12:44:23     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-9b30 2022-11-04/12:44:21     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-99f0 2022-11-04/12:44:21     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-95b0 2022-11-04/12:44:21     The AP is powered off and restarts
c0bc-9a7d-95b0 2022-10-26/23:18:23     Heartbeat packet transmission for the CAPWAP data tunnel between the AC and AP times out

LLDP соседи

display ap lldp neighbor { { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } [ interface interface-type interface-number ] | brief }
[AC]display ap lldp neighbor ap-id 67
Info: AP test has 0 neighbor.

Соседи по радио

display ap neighbor { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } [ radio radio ]
[AC]display ap neighbor ap-id 67
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment.done.
Radio: Radio ID of AP
In control AP:
Radio  AP ID  AP name                    Channel  Received RSSI(dbm)  Path loss(db)  Last Update Time
0      52     test1                      1        -60                 80             2022-11-10/18:38:11
0      55     test2                      6        -73                 93             2022-11-10/18:36:50
0      45     test3                      11       -66                 86             2022-11-10/18:37:59
0      33     test4                      11       -69                 89             2022-11-10/18:36:50
0      34     test5                      6        -51                 71             2022-11-10/18:37:50
0      1      test6                      6        -49                 69             2022-11-10/18:30:08
display ap around-ssid-list { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id }
[AC]display ap around-ssid-list ap-id 67
In control AP(2.4G):
Total: 2

Uncontrol AP(2.4G):
Redmi 9
Total: 4

In control AP(5G):
Total: 2

Mesh линки

<AC1>display wlan mesh link all
Rf   : radio ID             Dis  : coverage distance(100m)
Ch   : channel              Per  : drop percent(%)
TSNR : total SNR(dB)        P-   : peer
Mesh : Mesh mode            Re   : retry ratio(%)
RSSI : RSSI(dBm)            MaxR : max RSSI(dBm)
APName                P-APName           Rf Dis   Ch   Mesh    P-Status        RSSI  MaxR  Per  Re   TSNR  SNR(Ch0~2:dB) 
S9.AP6510.01          Mesh.wlan.yard-02  0  3     1    portal  normal          -59   -7    0    19   33   31/30/-
Mesh.wlan.yard-02     S9.AP6510.01       0  3     1    node    normal          -51   -40   0    12   47   43/44/-
Total: 2

Работа с клиентом

Отобразить информацию о клиенте

display station { ap-group ap-group-name | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id | ssid ssid | sta-mac sta-mac-address | vlan vlan-id | all }
[AC]display station ap-id 37
Rx/Tx: link receive rate/link transmit rate(Mbps)
STA MAC          Rf/WLAN  Band  Type  Rx/Tx      RSSI  VLAN  IP address       SSID
6a1d-9cbc-805e   0/4      2.4G  11n   117/115    -59   250     test
6eb2-eb9a-bc72   1/4      5G    11ax  8/86       -74   250      test
7cd6-61bb-415f   0/4      2.4G  11n   39/7       -71   250     test
ee0f-9cf1-6892   0/4      2.4G  11n   78/86      -43   250     test
Total: 4 2.4G: 3 5G: 1
[AC]display station sta-mac 6a1d-9cbc-805e
Station MAC-address                           : 6a1d-9cbc-805e
Station IP-address                            :
Station gateway                               :
Associated SSID                               : test
Station online time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)             : 000:00:07:05
The upstream SNR(dB)                          : 38.0
The upstream aggregate receive power(dBm)     : -62.0
Station connect rate(Mbps)                    : 65
Station connect channel                       : 6
Station inactivity time(ddd:hh:mm:ss)         : 000:00:00:11
Station current state
  Authorized for data transfer                : YES
  QoS enabled                                 : YES
  HT rates enabled                            : YES
  Power save mode enabled                     : YES
  Auth reference held                         : No
  UAPSD enabled                               : No
  UAPSD triggerable                           : No
  UAPSD SP in progress                        : No
  This is an ATH node                         : No
  WDS workaround req                          : No
  WDS link                                    : No
  PMF negotiation                             : No
Stations HT capability                        : AP
Station capabilities                          : EPSs
Station PMF capabilities                      : PMFC=0,PMFR=0
Station VHT capabilities
  256QAM capabilities                         : No
  VHT explicit beamforming capabilities       : No
  MU-MIMO capabilities                        : No
Station HE capabilities
  ofdma capabilities                          : No
  bss color capabilities                      : No
Stations RM capabilities
  Neighbor Report                             : No
  Beacon Passive Measurement                  : YES
  Beacon Active Measurement                   : YES
  Beacon Table Measurement                    : No
Stations RSSI(dBm)                            : -62
Stations radio mode                           : 11n
Stations AP ID                                : 50
Stations AP Name                              : TI-AP-PDL-314
Stations Radio ID                             : 0
Stations Authentication Method                : WPA2-PSK
Stations Cipher Type                          : AES
Stations User Name                            : 6a1d9cbc805e
Stations Vlan ID                              : 250
Stations Channel Band-width                   : 20MHz
Stations asso BSSID                           : c0bc-9a7d-9933
Stations state                                : Asso with auth
Stations QoS Mode                             : WMM
Stations HT Mode                              : HT20
Stations MCS value                            : 15
Stations Short GI                             : support
Stations roam state                           : Yes
HAC CAPWAP IP                                 : -
HAP CAPWAP IP                                 :
Supported band                                : 2.4G/5G
Supported 2.4G channels                       : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
Supported 5G channels                         : 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64
                                              : 132,136,140,144
802.11k support                               : Yes
802.11r support                               : No
802.11v support                               : Yes
Autonavigation roaming optimization support   : No
Available for roaming                         : Yes
Sticky station or not                         : No
Aimless roaming support in sticky state       : Yes
Station device type                           : -
AC ID                                         : -
U-APSD list:
AC-VI          AC-VO        AC-BE         AC-BK
not-support  not-support  not-support  not-support

Статистика по клиентам

display station statistics [ sta-mac sta-mac-address | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id ]

Проверка уровня сигнала клиента

display ap sta-signal strength { ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id } [ radio radio-id ]

Информация об ошибках подключения

display station online-fail-record { all | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id | sta-mac sta-mac-address }

Информация об ошибках отключения

display station offline-record { all | ap-name ap-name | ap-id ap-id | sta-mac sta-mac-address } 

Информация о соседях клиента

[AC]display station neighbor sta-mac 6a1d-9cbc-805e

Device MAC         Device ID   Device Name              Radio ID  Channel  Probe info(RSSI/HH:MM:SS)   11k info[RCPI/RSNI/HH:MM:SS]
fc73-fba5-5cf0     37          test1                    0         1        -61/18:55:56                -
c0bc-9a7d-9970     57          test2                    0         1        -66/18:56:08                -
c0bc-9a7d-9970     57          test2                    1         60       -70/18:54:08                -
c0bc-9a7d-9930     50          test3                    1         44       -65/18:56:36                -
c0bc-9a7d-9930     50          test3                    0         6        -59/18:56:36                -
Total neighbors: 5, total records: 5

Роуминг трек

[AC]display station roam-track sta-mac 6a1d-9cbc-805e
Access SSID:PDL_Mobile
Rx/Tx: link receive rate/link transmit rate(Mbps)
s:Same Frequency Network c:PMK Cache Roam r:802.11r Roam
L2/L3           AP-AC IP               AC-AC IP               Ap name                  Radio ID
BSSID           TIME                   In/Out RSSI            Out Rx/Tx
--                -                      test1                    1
c0bc-9a7d-9943  2022/11/10 18:52:57    -68/-68                144/65
L2                -                      test2                    0
fc73-fba5-5cf3  2022/11/10 18:53:34    -60/-60                104/115

Трассировка клиента c контроллера:

[AC1]trace object mac-address mac-address
[AC1]undo trace enable
[AC1]trace enable

Трассировка клиента с точки доступа:

stelnet // ip адрес ТД
[ap-diagnose]station-trace assoc station h-h-h


Снятие дампов с интерфейсов

capture-packet interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2 destination file capture.cap time-out 300  packet-num 1000

Сбор диагностической информации

display diagnostic-information [ ac | ap { mac-address ap-mac | ip-address ap-ip-address | ipv6-address ap-ipv6-address | ap-name ap-name } | sta mac-address sta-mac ] [ file-name ]
<AC1>display diagnostic-information diag.txt
<AC1>display diagnostic-information ap ap-name M3.AP6510.01 diagM3.txt
<AC1>display diagnostic-information sta mac-address 0017-23f1-d8ce diagSta.txt

Статический адрес для точки доступа

<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] ap-address mode static
[Huawei]ap-address static ip-address 24
[Huawei] ap-address static ac-list